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Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're in Hyder Alaska (Day 4)

We made it to Hyder Alaska today after another long day of riding.  As we rode north from Lake McLeese, it was like someone grabbed the edges of B.C. and stretched it a little.  It was still pretty green, just not as mountainous.  We headed east on Hwy 16 when we reached Prince George.

There really wasn't much on this stretch of road to side track us, so we rode from about 8am to 1pm where we stopped for lunch at Happy Jack's Pub in Houston B.C.  Just before we got there, the road got pretty bad as there were construction zones out there making repairs.  There's actually a lot of road work always going on it seems here in Canada.  I think it's safe to say that every hour or two of driving through B.C., we pass through an area that breaks down to one way traffic with slow/stop controllers guiding drivers through.

From Houston, Highway 37 ... The Stewart Cassier Highway, ... the road so many riders say you can not miss, was 2 hours away.  We rode on.

Soon after turning onto Hwy 37, it was obvious fuel was going to be an issue.  Although Stewart is more of a side trip 40 miles off the same route, at least two of us weren't going to make it without a fill up there.  Stewart borders a far southern town of Alaska named Hyder.  This was actually a town highlighted in a book I read as a place to see bears.

Paul ended up camping out by some lake on the way, but Steve and I pushed on for Hyder.  We will all meet sometime tomorrow since we're going to take it easy after so many long days of riding.

37a into Stewart ended up being THE most scenic road I've ridden a motorcycle on.  The condition of the road is perfect, and there are many twists and turns, but I couldn't get into the throttle for more than a minute before being distracted by the snowcapped mountains, waterfalls, rivers, glaciers, and ... bears!

One bear anyway.  Steve rode by him pretty fast and kept going on.  I made a quick u-turn to get some pictures.

Tomorrow we'll take it easy exploring the area.  We have internet here, but no mobile service.  It's 10:30 and looks like it's finally going to get dark within an hour or so.



  1. Mike - Thanks for including us in your vacation travels. Jack & I enjoy your daily blogs and pictures. Ride Safe! Say Hi to Steve and Paul for us.


    Too bad we can't stay for the pig roast and microbrew festival this Monday. But we'll have to come back next year. The people here are really cool.

  3. That is crazy it gets dark so late... so in the winter it is dark all the time right? Hopefully they have solar tiki torches in alaska so the moon can energize them for some extra light! :) lol

    Maddi and I want to see more pics of bears!!! and Maddisen also wanted me to tell you hi! Stay safe!
